Reorganize my Google Waffle or App Launcher Icon

  • David Martini
  • 10th June 2021
Reorganize my Google Waffle or App Launcher Icon

What is Google waffle?

Google waffle is a group of 9 small boxes at the top right of any Google products or apps which helps users navigate to different google applications like Gmail, drive, docs, calendar, etc. Google calls it "App Launcher Icon". It is a very useful and handy feature for a google user to switch between their google apps in the same account.

When you click on that waffle/menu, you will see a grid of multiple google apps arranged in a way that is mostly used by the users. You can also rearrange those apps in the waffle. Below are the steps to manage your google/gsuite(now workspace) waffle.

How to reorganize apps in the google waffle/menu/app launcher icon?

  1. Go to website or any google/gsuite(now workspace) application.
  2. Click on the sign-in button at the top right of the page and log in to your Google account or create a new google account by registering on it.
  3. Once you log in, you will be redirected to the same page/application, Now you can click on the waffle/menu available at the top right of the page.
  4. You will see the grid of multiple google apps, click and hold on any app and drag it to the position in the waffle you want to keep it. After that, drop that app in that position and google will automatically save it.
Those positions will be now saved until you change them again.
David Martini

Marketing Manager @ | BSA, helping IT companies to grow and get new leads.

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