Polestar Tech Consultancy

Polestar Tech Consultancy

Its always a good choice to be with experts

They are professional, cooperative, and fast workers.

OverAll Rate 5.0 ★

By : Lakshmikant & Bros.

Project : Inventory Management for Local jewellery Company


software development


php development, laravel development, vue js development

Quality Rate 5.0 ★ Ability Rate 5.0 ★
Pricing Rate 5.0 ★ Reliability Rate 5.0 ★

Short Summary Review

We wanted the inventory management and billing software for our firm and I have consulted with many companies but did not understand the exact requirement as the calculation in this business is very tough. Polestar Tech Consultancy provided inventory management and billing software for a jewellery wholesaler. They built the software from scratch according to the client's specifications. Polestar Tech Consultancy's software worked very well. The quality was very high and they were professional. They understood the concept well and were very cooperative.